Europole Mer : research consortium on marine science and technology in Brittany


Program & General Conclusions

General conclusions - The Brest declaration


Programme overview (as of 24/06/2011)




Structure and Scientific program

A 4-day program will consist of :

  • Plenary sessions on Day 1, 2 and 3 in the morning, with general presentations about the Research Infrastructures and key-note lectures to discuss the challenges and priorities of hot science topics for the next decades.
  • A posters session on Day 1
  • Workshops for specific programs on Day 3 in the afternoon and Day 4.

Scientific sessions will consist of invited papers. Poster session will consist of a selection of contributed papers.

Social events
Day 1 : cocktail and poster session.
Day 2 : conference diner.


  • What are the added values of the integrated research infrastructures in marine sciences ?
  • Feedbacks from existing large integrated infrastructures.
  • Marine integrated infrastructures and users : what are the major scientific challenges of the 21st century? How do large infrastructures meet these challenges?
  • Marine integrated infrastructures : European strategy for governance and funding.

Workshops (TBC)
Specific programs will organise workshops following up the main symposium from Thursday the 30th of June 2011 midday until Friday the 1st of July. Details will be provided directly to the relevant communities by the respective workshops organisers indicated below.

For the worshops details, please refere to this page