Collaboration with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between WHOI and Europole Mer during this visit.

Visit to WHOI by Europole Mer – 17-19 October 2011

This MoU aims at promoting :

  • appropriate joint conferences or workshops on selected topics, with the aim of leading to the development of joint proposals for marine scientific and technological research, relevant scientific instrument development, and fieldwork;
  • the organisation of joint research projects;
  • exchange visits to widen the research initiatives and broaden the experience of individual scientists, engineers, research technicians and administrators;
  • exchange of scientific information in the areas of mutual interest;
  • mutual utilization of the facilities and instruments;
  • exchange programmes for students between the two institutions to broaden, strengthen and enhance the quality of education;
  • other forms of research cooperation by mutual agreement.


This MoU will be implemented through specific actions to be determined.

Research areas of mutual interest that were identified include (list not exhaustive):

  • Ocean physics
  • Robotics / Underwater communication / Ocean engineering
  • Moorings
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Biology / microbiology / biological interactions
  • Geosciences & Interface biology / geosciences
  • Data management
  • Sensor technologies
  • Monitoring observatories / temporal dynamics / biological proxies
  • Ocean surface / coastal observations / remote sensing
  • Mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins
  • Marine ressource exploitation
  • Coastal processes