An International Chair was set up on this topic with the support from UEB
Several teams have been and still are coordinating or participating in European projects and oceanographic cruises :
- MARFLUX, AMORES, VENTOX (3rd, 4th and 5the Framework Programs (FP)), MOMARNET (6th FP) working on dorsals ; SIMBA (5th FP), EXOCET/D (6th FP), ASSEM (6th FP), ESONET (Network of Excellence of the 6th FP) working on the development of instrumentaiton and underwater observatories ;
- MARBEF (Network of Excellence of the 6th FP) HERMES (Integrated Program of the 6th FP) working on continental margins ;
- GO (Network of Excellence of the 6th FP) working on oceanic tomography ; CoMl ; EURODEEP ;
- GRAL: joint project of SHOM, Ifremer, and IUEM working on internal geophysics and gravimetry to improve bathymetric and gravimetric knowledge in oceans in collaboration with European partners ;
Biogeochemical Cycling of Metal and Metalloid Isotopes in Deep Sea Environments. Interactions between the geosphere and the biosphere around hydrothermal vents and cold seeps
Scientific coordinator:
Olivier Rouxel (Domaine Océanique Laboratory at UBO/IUEM & Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA)
Europole Mer partners:
Yves Fouquet, Emmanuel Ponzevera, A. Godfroy (Ifremer)
Oceanographic cruises involving Axis 4 teams
Scientific coordinators: numerous (all PI’s belong to the GIS axis-4)
Partners: numerous (almost all participants belong to the GIS axis-4) with many international links.