
From a potential of 100 permanent researchers and 40 main contributors, Research Priority 5 develops three projects in interface with Research Priorities 2, 3 and 4:

  • 1 : Deep Sea Observatories ;
  • 2 : Gliders and profilers ;
  • 3 : Remote measurement systems for marine environments.

the scientific community of Research priority 5 held a scientific workshop on 8th July 2011 to overview project progress and results. Presentations of this workshop can be downloaded in the workshop section.

See other details in project outlines.

Optoalimentation – Subsea observatory project

The main objective of this work is to demonstrate that power and data transportation on an optical fibre cable is a suitable and promising solution allowing flexible and low cost extensions of current networks (Antares, France or Neptune, Canada). Several technical solutions must be analysed and tested experimentally. We expect to provide some answers concerning the possibilities, constraints and limitations of a quasi-all optical architecture for energy and data transportation on one or several optical fibres with the aim to pilot sensor instrumentation. The power requirement is about some hundreds of mW to supply an instrument located at about ten kilometres from the central network.

Underwater WiFi - Subsea observatory project

The projects aims at designing a short distance contactless communication link in seawater using electromagnetic waves.

Smart sensor - Subsea observatory project

In the subsea observatory infrastructure, a connection is performed in order to link the oceanographic instruments to transmit data to the shore. As the oceanographic instrumentation is manufactured by various companies, each one possesses its interface, its communication protocol, its data formats, its calibration method, its time base. Consequently a specific effort needs to be made to design and build an interface module between the junction box of the observatory and the instrument. It is the concept of plug and play to cabled networks as well as non-cabled networks which makes the instrument a « smart sensor ».

Profilers and gliders project

  • Sensor implementation on gliders and profilers
  • Hydrodynamics

Bio-indicators – acoustic and ecosystem project

On one hand, existing technologies will be developed and adapted to various platforms in order to collect high quality data at large space and time scale; on the other hand to adapt acoustic treatment methods according to the underlaying scientific questions so as to be able to synthesize these large quantities of data as indicators directly usable by researchers and managers not specialists in acoustics.

Monitorage de l’Environnement du Rail et Caractérisation Acoustique du Littoral Molénais et de son Ecosystème / Acoustic Monitoring of Iroise Sea and Ushant Area.

The goals of this project are to design tools to monitor marine environment using passive acoustics and to apply them to Brest coasts (Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise, Ushant area). The scope of this project includes monitoring of marine life (such as marine mammals or benthic organism) and measurement geoacoustics properties via inverse tomographic processes using opportunity sources (such as marine volcalises or shipping noise).

Acoustic and seafloor project

  • Title: Geomatic research about spatio-temporal modelisation and geovisualisation of marine sandwave dynamics characterisation
  • Title: Development of seafloor characterization methods by low frequency acoustic techniques.
  • Title: Data Fusion for characterization of benthic habitats (haploops, maerl, Crepidula) and seagrass (zoostères, Posidonia)

Electromagnetism and sea-surface project

The MOPS (Marine Opportunity Passive Systems) groups ENSTA Bretagne, TELECOM BRETAGNE, IFREMER and SHOM with the objective to observe precisely the GNSS signals (GPS/GALILEO in band L at 1.5GHz) reflected by the sea surface. The aim is to deduce the oceanographic data (roughness, sea motion,…) from the data collected with a passive system. The key component of the MOPS project is the efficient operation of GNSS signal measurement in maritime environment (on the basis of a coastal test base). This platform for measurement must include a scope of antennas and digitalizers (frequency rates from 16 MHz to 8 GHz).