Gordon-like conferences

In 2010 Europole Mer has launched a series of Gordon-like conferences. As for the famous Gordon Research Conferences, the objective of these meetings is to promote brainstorming on frontier research topics.

These conferences provide an international forum where leading investigators from around the globe discuss their latest work and future challenges in a uniquely informal, interactive format. All participants, including senior leaders and young researchers, live together for a few days to explore the limits of knowledge of a given field, presenting unpublished data, making suggestions to overtake scientific or technologic barriers. The absence of formal proceedings for such events encourages a free expression by all.

Gordon-like conferences organised with Europole Mer support to date:

Land-Ocean Connectivity

25-27 September 2012

Aber Wrac'h (France)

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Time-series analysis

Logonna-Daoulas (near Brest, France), Centre nautique du Moulin à Mer.

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31 May to 2 June 2010
Centre de la Mer, Aber Wrac’h, Brittany, France

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