Europôle Mer will develop 2 european doctoral schools :
The Marine European Network for Training Of Researchers (MENTOR)
Aiming to establish a network of education and research through close cooperation between European post-graduate Schools in Oceanography thereby structuring existing high-quality initial research training capacity in Marine Sciences. Mentor will provide a central hub or portal for the premier laboratories / institutes / universities in the field of marine sciences and hence a multidisciplinary European network with global visibility.
The European PhD Program of Integrated Marine Biology
Led by University Pierre et Marie Curie, various European universities (Naples, Göteborg, …) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in order to promote French leadership on marine models for fundamental biological research and to attract new talents in Marine Sciences.
Summer School 2010
Oceans, Marine Ecosystems, and Society facing Climate Change - A multidisciplinary approach -
An international Summer School co-organized by IUEM, IMBER and Europôle Mer
23-27 August 2010.
Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) - Brest, France.