Seminar cycle for the general public at an international level co-organised with Pole Mer Bretagne
The regional competitivity cluster Pôle Mer Bretagne and the Europole Mer are jointly organising a cycle of seminars given by world class scientists for the general public on topics related to the ocean. This cycle will complement the existing cycles organised by Europole Mer members and it will focus on making it possible for people working in the marine and maritime industry as well as the general public to learn from and debate with top scientists.
First conference
Date: 19th June 2009, 18h30 – 20h00
Location: Le Quartz congress hall, Brest, France
Guest scientist: Professor Paul Falkowski (Rutgers University, USA)
Title: The once and future Ocean (L’océan : Berceau de l’humanité, Clé de notre avenir)
Summary: Professor Paul Falkowski, world class scientist, explores the intimate links between man and ocean. He explains how the Ocean has influenced the Earth chemistry to the point of making it viable for animals, including humans; he shows how the human exploitation of natural resources has, in turn, influenced the ocean over the last century, to the point of threatening ecosystems today. Finally he introduces the concept of « bio-economy », a concept that looks into how mankind may develop in phase with the natural cycles of the oceans.
Second conference
Date: 8th June 2010, 18h30 – 20h00
Location: Brest, Faculté de lettres, Amphithéâtre Guilcher
Guest scientist: Gilles Boeuf (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France)
Title : What future for biodiverstity? (Quel avenir pour la biodiversité?)